Santo Stefano Island
The Santo Stefano island is a member of the Maddalena archipelago and part of the National Park. It is largely uninhabited and it is mainly known for its hosting of a NATO Naval Base. Like the rest of the archipelago, the island was created by volcanic activity. It is dominated by an old prison built by the Bourbons and in use until 1965.

People imprisoned included the anarchist Gaetano Bresci and, during the Fascist regime, the future President of Italy Sandro Pertini, Umberto Terracini, Giorgio Amendola, Lelio Basso, Mauro Scoccimarro, Giuseppe Romita, Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi. Apart from the military, the only residences on the island are a few tourist resorts, largely occupied only during the summer months. Public access to the island is made by ferry either from La Maddalena or nearby Palau, on Sardinia.

The unusual island rises out of the sea about 90 miles west of Naples. Totaling about 62 acres, it features a horseshoe-shaped building that dates back to the 18th century and was once used as a prison. There is also a church and several houses on Santo Stefano.